On New Year’s Day, if you pass by the parking lot of Chicago’s Adler Planetarium around 11 o’clock in the morning, you’ll come across a surprising collection of cars and drivers readying themselves to run a very unusual rally. In years past, the gathered machines have included rare sports cars, a 1961 Cadillac hearse, and a school bus—everything from Ferraris and Maseratis to absolutely average cars.
At noon, every car registered for the rally will be given a sheet with anywhere from 30 to 100 places to try to visit over the next three hours. This is the Heroes’ Happy Holiday Hangover Hassle.
Started in 1955 by a group of sports cars enthusiasts, the Holiday Hangover Hassle has been run every year since; the guardians of this tradition believe it is the second oldest continuously run car rally in the United States. –Chicago’s Greatest New Year’s Day Tradition Is a Car Rally Scavenger Hunt by Sarah Laskow
Fiction Writing Prompt: Write a story that occurs in one of the cars participating in the rally.
Journaling Prompt: Write about a scavenger hunt you participated in.
Art Prompt: Sports car rally
Non-Fiction / Speechwriting Prompt: Tell your audience about a unique New Year tradition from your birthplace.
Photo Credit: Susan Williams on Flickr
Original article: Prompt #2021 Chicago Rally.